Wednesday, April 14, 2010


My life was getting too complicated to document on four blogs. Go figure! So, I decided to condense all that fabulous information to share onto one blog, the olde stone cottage one, at which you have arrived. So Welcome!

Right now I'm desperately on the job hunt and mighty stressed out about it.

All the times before when Jeff has moved out I have had a job, so haven't had to worry about things like homelessness or lack of utilities, etc. I'm having yardsales and Sister Shic sales to get some extra 'bones' as Lexy likes to call money. But still, times are getting desperate.

I have two jobs that I'm waiting to hear on, and if neither of them pans out, yikes! So, it's no wonder I have a permanent knot in my shoulder that hurts and needs several rubs from my chillies (my nickname for my kids) during the day.

The photo on this entry is a reminder to self to enjoy the view and trust that things will work out. Hmmm. OK.

1 comment:

  1. Praying for you and asking the Lord to take the burden from your shoulders. May he bless you with employment that will more than provide for you and your chillies and help you to find peace in all the chaos. Please, please, let me know if you need anything. ~Sherri, Sister #1216
